
Kids Helpline

Our communities have changed, the issues kids face have changed, and the ways our counsellors engage with and help young people have changed.

What hasn’t changed is that Helplines make a difference to the emotional wellbeing and lives of our kids every single day — ensuring young people know they are not alone.

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Doing Anger Differently

Easy-to-follow, step-by-step principles designed to help parents, carers and teachers understand teenage male anger and aggression.
Michael Currie has worked with adolescent boys and their families for twenty years. He understands that the explosive outbursts and sullen monosyllabic exchanges that punctuate adolescence are very confronting for parents, who often feel they can do little about their son’s anger.

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If you are looking for a psychologist who is passionate about supporting individuals or families and assisting them to raise happy and healthy children, then Redstone Psychology is the right place for you. 02 4072 2027
83 Cowper St, Wallsend 2287
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